Wait and Hope

Good is called evil, and evil is called good. In this modern world of ours, the very ideals that civilization took for granted are derided as childlike fantasies; the very fabric of reality itself is torn asunder and replaced with narratives of utility. But here, we dare to hope and continue to speak the Truth. We hope to see those tyrants humbled who fancy themselves as God and exalt power over Truth.

Investigations, Analysis and Opinion

Through this outlet, we hope to humble the liars and uphold the pure quest for Truth. As a fundamnetal principle, the Truth will defeat any lie, just as surely as light defeats darkness and strength weakness. This is why tyrants have always tried to banish or control the Truth, so that their weaknesses and cherished illusions may not be exposed.

In this postmodern age, the advent of social media has allowed an unparalleled access to Truth in a decentralized manner. This poses an existential threat to the tyrants, who have contrived to remove the last guarantor of free expression and bend it to their own uses. We seek to protect this new found path to freedom from the tyrants and empower the People.

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